Kaip efektyviai perteikti žinią auditorijai- Luc Chénier, TITANIUM Presentations, Havas WorldWide, (Ukraina)
Luc Chénier is an international Creative Strategist and Entrepreneur and Public Speaker who has worked in Canada, Russia, Ukraine, China with brands such as MTV, Mazda, Unilever, Kievstar GMS, Nokia, The Canadian Football League, etc. Luc now divides his time between his new venture TITANIUM Presentations as well as consulting on creative strategies for Havas WorldWide in Eastern Europe.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what can a great presentation deliver?! Companies, organisations, individuals work hard to develop their products, but often fail when trying to communicate it to their audiences. As a great quote once said: "If companies ran their businesses like they make a PowerPoint presentation, 99% of them would be bankrupt!".
CONVENE edukacinė programa buvo atvira visiems užsiregistravusiems CONVENE lankytojams ir dalyviams. Programos temos sudomino ne tik konferencijų turizmo verslo atstovus, bet ir rinkodaros, reklamos, komunikacijos specialistus. Programa buvo nemokama, anglų kalba.